
Cindy & Sean Gritzman are the directors and co-directors of Top Flight Volleyball Club. At the beginning, Cindy & Sean were working on marketing strategies before they started getting higher in the ranks. They’re firm believers of teaching sports/volleyball to the younger generation. They had the fundamental principle of providing the best training for the athletes and their families. Top Flight teaches the athletes about life lessons through sports and create a true bonding experience. Top Flight guides the athletes to understand that volleyball is a FUN sport, and as much as it can be taken serious sometimes sitting back and laughing is the best way to go about things. Top Flight VBC was chosen for the sports marketing interview process because they have a firm belief in relationship marketing, strategic partnership, and the love of the sport/volleyball. Their attitude towards life in general is exactly like mine, and this will guide me towards the development of any organization. These areas have been a focus within my lifestyle and being able to hear from some real-life experience is truly beneficial. Top Flight VBC caught my interest too because I decided to join the family within the 2nd year of Top Flight VBC being established. This is truly where my entrepreneurial mindset started, and feels great to gather data and analysis it. Top Flight VBC is associated with the Illinois Junior Olympic Volleyball Club, and participates in Amateur Athletic Union (AAU), Junior Volleyball Association (JVA), and USA Volleyball (USAV) events.

- How did the Top Flight name develop?
Cindy – We sat around brainstorming and then choose the one that suited us best.
Michael – Some key ingredients of a successful sport branding effort – stickiness of an idea, reach of brand, social identity, media interest, and monetization and marketing metrics. Top Flight VBC has established a great presence when it comes to branding of the company; this opens the marketing of sport products to the sport consumer, and marketing of sport and non-sport products through sport.
- What’s the 5 year vision for Top Flight?
Cindy – Expand into new areas, continue to grow, add more programs, and add more sports.
Michael – Top Flight has a strategic marketing management plan to uphold and understand the importance of the 5 P’s: product, price, place, promotion, and public relations. When it comes to the 5 year plan for Top Flight VBC, and they can implement the marketing planning process; develop vision, position, and purpose (SWOT), develop strategic goals and objectives, develop TiMSS plan, integrate the marketing plan, and control and evaluate implementation.
- What are the trends you’re seeing today in the volleyball market?
Cindy – Volleyball is becoming one of the staple sports of youth much like; basketball, baseball, and football. Kids are starting younger, training equipment is available for younger ages, and it’s seen in more and more schools and park districts. Beach volleyball is increasing in popularity and been added as a college sport with scholarship opportunity.
Michael – Best trend around is the sports involvement; behavioral, cognitive, and affective involvement. This allows for young consumers to get on the escalator sooner instead of later, and with each involvement comes a hands-on, information and knowledge, and attitudes, feelings, and emotions towards volleyball.
- What are the trends you’re seeing within the college volleyball market?
Sean – Current trends within the market include an increase representation of college recruiting (services, sites and etc.). I see this happening at a faster rate lately where companies are pushing hard for their recruiting service with the promise of college admittance. I also see a shift in the type of volleyball offered. As sand becomes more of a college “sport” you will continue to see more athletes leave the indoor game and instead focus on sand. This is in its infancy but I would guess in the next 5 years you’ll start to see this much larger than today. The last thing I’ve noticed in the college realm is that coaches/programs are looking less for talented “volleyball players” but instead are looking for “gifted athletes”. These programs/coaches believe they can take a gifted athlete and teach them volleyball and excel at a very high level. This has been proven to work for a few programs so I would guess you’ll see more of this happy.
Michael – Market research & market segmentation helps Top Flight understand the concept of six segments of sports fans: players, patriots, appreciators, socialites, friends, and voyeurs. It allows for acceptance towards branching out into different business ventures. The develop of this would go through a good salesperson for volleyball and some traits are: belief in the product, belief in yourself, seeing many people, timing, listening to the customer (but realizing that what the customer wants is not necessarily what she is telling you), a sense of humor, knocking on old doors, asking everyone to buy, following up after the sale with the same aggressiveness you demonstrated before the sale, and common sense. Many benefits come out of expansion with those ideas and sport teams could sell: naming rights, electronic inventory, signage inventory, print inventory, assets related to ticket sales, tickets and hospitality inventory, promotions inventory, community programs, and miscellaneous.
- If you could change something about the sports/entertainment industry, what would it be and why?
Cindy – People’s unrealistic expectations. Allow the kids to enjoy sports.
Michael – The enjoyment of the game is a core entrainment tool within itself. It develops an understanding of the game while allowing the kids to enjoy the game.
- What’s your social media strategy?
Cindy – Social media helped promote our programs, accomplishments, involvement from community, people talking about top flight, extra reward for kids seeing their names, shout to local businesses, and promotional strategies.
Michael – Social Media is a very unique approach towards marketing. It allows an effective techniques that a social media manager should have to do: Build an audience, engage fans, drive behavior, choose the appropriate platform, and avoid pitfalls, and leverage players and talent.
- What are the greatest challenges facing a sponsorship strategist within the industry?
Cindy – Make sure our ideals fit with the people we choose to sponsor. Make sure the products are of the quality that suits our needs. Make sure if there is some scandal within an industry we do not become tied to it.
Michael – Top Flight truly believes in relationship sponsorships which have the advantages of: credibility, image, prestige, internal morale, sales opportunities, and access to live audience. The amount goal towards a relationship sponsorship is the objectives which: drive sales, improve image, create greater awareness, provide hospitality opportunities, and enhance employee morale. Lastly, the benefits of sponsorship components: category exclusivity, signage, right to use event trademarks and logos, distribution rights, hospitality area, complimentary advertising, free tickets, right to purchase additional tickets, link on the event website, (sponsorship) designation, inclusion in event promotions, access to property mailing list/database, and right of first refusal.
- Tell me a time that you’ve had to deal with an unhappy or upset guest and how you solved it?
Cindy – This one could be a novel itself; when parents are unhappy with playing time we work through a way for the athlete to get some extra help in skills that they’re behind in, we have them sub in for other teams that are short for extra playing time, and we open the gym on Fridays for play time. When we have parents unhappy with costs we organize fundraising or work opportunities to help with dues we offer up customized payment plans. When we have drama within a team we talk with coaches, parents, and players about a resolution. We haven’t had a lot of issues that we were unable to resolve. Almost all have been worked through and some sort of compromise has been agreed too. This is a customer service business so we need to make sure people are pleased with the services being provided.
Michael – Another option to make this smoothly would be taking the sponsorship proposal and turn it into a plan proposal. It would include: introduction, history of the organization, plan components, value enhancements, terms, and executive summary. While building some promotional goals: increase awareness, attract interest, arouse desire, and initiate action. Even helps that Top Flight has expanded to a new venue which build benefits for the fans: better seating configurations, more amenities, and potential for lower ticket prices, better product, and team retention.
- How does Top Flight motivate others?
Cindy – Motivation! We motivate other clubs to be better in their own programs by us being the front runners of new ideas and better involvement for the athletes. We do a lot of community involvement with youths on sports, in schools, park districts, free classes, and other youth organizations. We motivate our athletes by positive reinforcement from their coaches, by competition from their teammates and with club achievements as a whole.
Michael – Sport Product & Brands are the key concepts for Top Flight. The game presentation – core product: the game itself, players, fans and their behavior, equipment/apparel, venue, and personnel and process. With marketing the core experience it brings further a product strategy by: differentiation, product development, product position, and brands and branding. Another great benefit of Top Flight is their benefit equity; less drastic revenue declines when the team loses, ability to charge price premiums, more corporate interest, and licensing and merchandising opportunities.
- What are some team building activities that you do?
Cindy – Amazing race, minute to win it games, team outings, and big sister little sister.
Michael – Relationship building, and understanding of the Top Flight Organization. It’s a family and we’re here to help coach the younger generation to play volleyball and better themselves outside the court. What legacy do you want to leave is their slogan.
Top Flight VBC is a relationship marketing company that’s dedicated to providing young athletes with a better understanding of volleyball. Relationship marketing formed through the understanding of marketing development by providing marketing campaigns which focuses on customer retention and satisfaction, rather than a dominant focus on sales transactions. With the growth of the social media, relationship marketing has continued to grow and move forward as technology opens more collaborative and social communication channels. Top Flight VBC holds great awareness towards development within a volleyball lifestyle. On the sports marketing side; a strategic partnership has been a key trait for Top Flight VBC to form an alliance between two commercial enterprises. Typically two companies form a strategic partnership when each possesses one or more business assets that will help the other. A common strategic partnership involves one company providing engineering, manufacturing or product development services, partnering with a smaller, entrepreneurial firm or inventor (Top Flight VBC) to create a specialized new product.